Copper Seat Installation - $100 per seat
- Complete cleaning of head
- Removal of old seat
- Installation of copper-beryllium seat
- Seat cut to OEM specs
- Seat matched and blended with port
- Copper-beryllium valve seat included
Cut Valve Seats / Valve Job - $30 per seat
- Complete cleaning of head
- Valve seats re-cut to re-establish consistent seating surface
- Seats blended with ports for smooth seat-to-port transition
Bronze Guide Installation - $20 per guide
- Complete cleaning of head
- Removal of old guide
- Installation of new bronze guide
- Guide diamond honed for perfect match to valve stem
- Bronze valve guide included
Hand Porting - $250
- Complete cleaning of head
- Intake ports hand ported and polished for improved air flow
- Exhaust ports hand ported and polished for improved air flow
- Ports matched and blended with valve seats
CNC Porting - $400
- Complete cleaning of head
- Intake ports precision CNC ported for improved air flow
- Exhaust ports precision CNC ported for improved air flow
- Ports matched and blended with valve seats